Afrikaans UBIG Factsheet Series

A Universal Basic Income Guarantee (UBIG) is a commitment by government to ensure that everyone has a minimum level of income to meet their basic needs. This is done through a regular cash transfer or grant, that spurs development and promotes sustainable livelihoods. But the benefits of a UBIG are not just economic. A UBIG can benefit society by improving health and education outcomes, increasing social cohesion, and supporting gender equality.

In our UBIG factsheet series, also available in English, Sepedi, isiXhosa, and isiZulu, we present evidence to show that a UBIG can improve the lives of millions of people in South Africa. Although a UBIG is not a silver bullet in and of itself, the factsheet series highlights that it is a necessary intervention, amongst others, to unlock a fairer, safer, and more prosperous future for South Africa.

Feiteblaaie in hierdie reeks:

  1. Waarom het Suid-Afrika ‘n gewaarborgde universele basiese inkomste nodig?
  2. Niemand bly agter nie: Waarom universele basiese inkomste meer sin maak as geteikende toelaes
  3. Werksgeleenthede versus toelaes: Is werk en basiese inkomste ‘n wedersyds uitsluitende beleidsuitruiling?
  4. Hoe ‘n UBIG gesonder kinders, gelukkiger volwassenes en ‘n leeftyd van leer kan ondersteun
  5. Hoe ‘n UBIG gender-geregtigheid en maatskaplike kohesie kan bevorder
  6. Nie net ’n uitdeelstuk nie: hoe UBIG mense bemagtig om voorspoedig te wees
  7. “But how will we pay for it?” Financing a UBIG (English only)
  8. Modellering van fiskale roetes tot ‘n basiese inkomste